Freedom is really important to me.
When my friends tell me of controlling relationships they’re in, my blood boils.
They deserve better.
They don’t deserve to be emotionally blackmailed into staying in a place they’re not happy.
Often, I realize that situations are complicated but, I hope everyone can claim their own freedom, someday.
I have been lucky to meet mostly nice humans through my life.
But there have been many people who smile and lie through their teeth and then emotionally blackmail you into getting things done their way.
It was really scary when it happened to me.
The girl who manipulated me was someone who I put on a pedestal and admired.
Worst of all, I don’t even think I knew I was being manipulated.
I am disgusted at my own lack of self-esteem.
I’ve been trying for the past few years to get it higher and it has slowly begun to improve.
But in general I often struggle to step up and make even simple decisions.
I can’t even accept compliments properly.
I think I’ve gotten better at just saying “Thank you.” but my self-esteem levels have a while to go.
Especially in Indian movies, I’m disgusted by how much women are shamed on screen either in terms of their body, colorism or their job.
They are constantly degraded in these movies, not given substantial characters and are objectified.
And it hurts since I watched a lot of Indian movies growing up and even worshipped some really problematic ones as a kid :(((
ahaha so Coronavirus has left me thinking showering is optional oops..
*awkward silence since the audience is disgusted by Neha*
So I’m disgusted at my lack of hygiene :((