In high school there would be those kids who got a 98 and then would complain about how terribly they did.
I want to SCREAM.
On top of that, they’ll say that they didn’t study at all. Seriously bro?
I also get mad at people who say they’ll just wing it and then they do great.
Cause I prepared all of last night for the same assignment?! Excuse me?
An example would be when I overthink one little thing I said or did that could’ve hurt someone else.
I sit and berate myself for hours.
Then I text the person a long apology about my dumb behavior and they’re like, “really? When did you say that? I didn’t notice.” or something.
And then I just feel stupid.
I always like being people’s rock.
I get sad and kinda mad when one of my best friends are going through something and I didn't know.
I feel awful.
They were hit with crappy situations left and right.
And I had no idea.
I wasn’t able to help out.
I was so ignorant and stupid.
When people speak over me, I get a little mad.
I think I always ignore this since I often interrupt others and I get mad at myself for it.
But often since I love listening to people’s stories, they’ll talk so much that there’s no room for me to say anything.
But in general I tiptoe when I’m speaking to others, very hesitant to be honest with all of my thoughts.
People have called me innocent many times, inferring I’m childish since I didn’t understand dirty jokes.
I used to be deeply offended by it. I still am to an extent.
“Aw Neha won’t be able to handle that,” when we watched a movie that was very emotional or dark.
They just make assumptions about what I can handle.
It just pisses me off. I’ve gone through a lot too.
My emotional maturity is off the charts. You just let this sunshine mask fool you?